Hearing Aids For Adults

The scope of this page is hearing aids for adult populations aged 18 years and older.

See the Hearing Loss (Adults) Evidence Map for summaries of the available research on this topic.

Hearing-related terminology may vary depending upon context and a range of factors. See the ASHA resource on hearing-related topics: terminology guidance for more information.

Hearing aid fitting and verification for adults is a complex process representing one part of a comprehensive aural rehabilitation plan. See the ASHA Practice Portal page on Aural Rehabilitation for Adults for more information. Boisvert et al. (2017) described a service delivery model for audiologists that uses multiple sources of information in clinical decision making with increased awareness of evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. Comprehensive hearing health provision models include patient- and family-centered approaches, focus on health literacy, utilization of teleaudiology to reduce barriers to obtaining care, and appropriate use of hearing technology (Brice et al., 2023; Grenness et al., 2014; Hickson, 2012; Kelly-Campbell & Manchaiah, 2020; Oosthuizen et al., 2022; Scarinci et al., 2013). To achieve the greatest probability of a successful hearing aid fitting, a rehabilitation plan will incorporate the combined efforts and input of the audiologist, the patient, and all care partners, including family members. See the ASHA resources on Focusing Care on Individuals and Their Care Partners, and health literacy for more information.

Hearing aids are considered medical devices and, as such, are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In October 2022, the FDA finalized regulations [PDF] regarding over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and reclassified hearing devices fit by a licensed hearing care professional as prescription hearing aids. For more information, see the FDA resource on hearing aids as well as the ASHA resource on over-the-counter hearing aids.

Hearing Aid Classification

Prescription hearing aids are professionally fitted by either a licensed audiologist or a hearing aid professional. Prior to the fitting and sale of prescription hearing aids, the hearing care provider must complete a hearing evaluation to determine the individual needs of the patient. Some states have specific requirements regarding the fitting and dispensing of prescription hearing aids. Contact your state Attorney General’s office for state-specific laws governing hearing aid sales and stated or implied warranties. The ASHA state-by-state resource provides state-specific requirements regarding hearing aid evaluation and fitting documentation. For more information, see the ASHA document on State Audiology Licensure Laws & Regulations for Prescription (Rx) and Over the Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids [PDF].

The FDA ruling in 2022 allows OTC hearing aids to be sold to individuals without having an initial consultation with a hearing specialist or obtaining a hearing test. Unlike prescription hearing aids, where return policies may be established at the state level, there is no required trial period for OTC hearing aids. Trial periods for OTC hearing aids are determined by the manufacturer. OTC hearing aids are recommended for individuals with a self-perceived mild to moderate hearing loss who are over the age of 18 years. They are not recommended for those with a greater degree of hearing loss or for children. The FDA requires specific package labeling for consumers to review before the purchase of OTC hearing aids.

Audiologists offering professional services for patients with OTC hearing aids can provide documentation to specify the services offered and to differentiate OTC hearing aids from prescription hearing aids. Roles that audiologists can play in supporting patients with OTC hearing aids include dispensing devices, programming devices, cleaning and repairing, troubleshooting, providing education, evaluating acoustic fit, counseling, liaising with the manufacturer, connecting devices to additional hearing assistive technology, and providing aural rehabilitation.

Other relevant ASHA Practice Portal pages include Adult Hearing Screening, Counseling in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Cultural Responsiveness, and Hearing Loss in Adults.

Content Disclaimer: The Practice Portal, ASHA policy documents, and guidelines contain information for use in all settings; however, members must consider all applicable local, state and federal requirements when applying the information in their specific work setting.

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