Templates and Tools

Tools and templates are provided as resources that may facilitate clinical practice and may be related to a number of the Clinical Issues and Professional Topics included on ASHA’s Practice Portal; however, the tools and templates identified here do not undergo the comprehensive review process used to develop Practice Portal pages. As always, clinicians are responsible for considering the applicability of each tool and template as it pertains to the unique needs of individuals served. For additional resources and information, search ASHA's website or visit the ASHA online store.

Billing and Reimbursement

Find extensive information on the accurate use of audiology and speech-language pathology related billing codes and get an overview of the different coding systems used to obtain reimbursement for services.

Cultural Competence

Assess your current level of cultural competence and access resources to increase and improve service delivery to culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

Cultural Competence Check-Ins including

  • Self-Reflection
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Culturally Responsive Practice
  • Gender Inclusivity

Documentation Templates

Access documentation templates, which are intended for use in electronic medical records but can be modified for paper use. ASHA members are not required to use these templates and may modify or combine information as appropriate for their respective facilities and patient populations. The templates are provided as a resource only and do not represent ASHA policy.

Templates are currently available for use with adult and child populations. To request customizable templates in Word format, email healthservices@asha.org and indicate which templates you would like to receive.



Dysphagia Competency

Evidence-Based Practice

Find resources to support evidence-based practice (EBP), the integration of clinical expertise/expert opinion, external scientific evidence, and client/patient/caregiver perspectives, in order to provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals served.

Implementation Guides

Implementation guides offer examples and worksheets for implementing specific practice approaches.

Marketing and Public Relations

Use these marketing and public relations tools to promote your services and your profession with local media and others:

Phonemic Inventories Across Languages

Use ASHA's phonemic inventories to consider the sound systems of all the languages used to provide appropriate assessment and treatment services to clients for whom English is not their first, or only, spoken language.

State Licensure

Find links to state governments, state associations, and regulatory agencies; learn the characteristics of licensure laws that are pertinent to you.

ASHA Corporate Partners