Participant Appeal Process

The Participant Appeal Form provides an easy-to-follow appeal submission process for participants and provides ASHA CE with all the information we need to adjudicate the appeal. Submission of the appeal form is not a guarantee that ASHA CEUs will be awarded. Appeals are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis, and the appeal circumstances as well as the participant's appeal history are taken into consideration. ASHA CEUs cannot be awarded retroactively. 

ASHA CE has developed suggested, editable language that ASHA Approved CE Providers can use to emphasize the importance of following instructions for requesting ASHA CEUs. By reminding participants about the course completion process and timelines, ASHA CE hopes to reduce the number of participant appeals. 

Appeal Process

Participants will need the relevant course and offering number to complete the form. They also must attach verification of course completion and explain the circumstances that prevented them from following instructions for earning ASHA CEUs.

After the Participant Appeal Form is received, the Provider is contacted by their Accounts Manager to verify the participant's attendance, successful completion of the course, and number of ASHA CEUs to be awarded. The Provider will also be asked if they support the participant's appeal or if they disagree with the information submitted in the appeal. Please submit comments related to the circumstance of the appeal.

For more information, see What to Do If Your ASHA CE Registry Transcript Is "Missing" A Course

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