How much course work must be completed under the 2020 standards?
The Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC) no longer prescribes a specific number of hours of supervised clinical practicum. Applicants and their programs will have to ensure that their experience meets CAA standards for duration, and for depth and breadth of knowledge.
How will the program director know that I have acquired the needed knowledge and skills?
Each academic program will have determined the specific student learning outcomes and mechanisms they will use to assess students' acquisition of knowledge and skills. The Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC) expects that programs will use a variety of mechanisms (e.g., performance on exams, submitted papers, performance in clinic) and will make these assessments on an on-going basis. The knowledge and skills for audiology certification have been updated and reordered in accordance with the practice analysis study results.
If a student receives a passing grade in a course, won't that indicate that they have gained a particular knowledge or skill?
It may, but a grade won't tell the CFCC which knowledge or skill has been mastered. Knowledge may be gained in more than one area through completion of a course. The CFCC is relying on academic and clinical instructors/supervisors to assess which knowledge and skills have been achieved and how they have been achieved.