ASHA Supports Effective Services Leading To Independent Communication

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is dedicated to making effective communication, a human right, accessible and achievable for all. ASHA’s Board of Directors approved position statements that discourage use of two particular techniques, Facilitated Communication (FC) and the Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) (also known as Spelling to Communicate or S2C), because they lack scientific validity and do not foster independent communication. Both statements were open to peer review by all interested parties. 

ASHA stands firmly behind its members in support of effective services leading to independent communication for those they serve.

Position Statement: Facilitated Communication

Position Statement: Rapid Prompting Method

FAQs: Practice Implications for ASHA's Position Statements on Facilitated Communication (FC) and the Rapid Prompting Method (RPM)

ASHA Warns Against Rapid Prompting Method or Spelling to Communicate

All non-press comments and inquiries should be sent to

Independent Communication Infographic

What Others Are Saying

A Number of Organizations Caution Against Use of FC and RPM

Resolutions and Statements by Scientific, Professional, Medical, Governmental, and Support Organizations Against the Use of Facilitated Communication

Closing the 17-year gap between scientific evidence and patient care (University Affairs, January 17, 2017)

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