Late Language Emergence

The scope of this page is late language emergence in children from 2 to 4 years of age.

See the Late Language Emergence Evidence Map for summaries of the available research on this topic.

Late language emergence (LLE) is a delay in language onset with no other diagnosed disabilities or developmental delays in other cognitive or motor domains. LLE is diagnosed when language development trajectories are below age expectations. Toddlers who exhibit LLE may also be referred to as "late talkers" or "late language learners."

Children with LLE may have expressive language delays only, or they may have mixed expressive and receptive delays. Children with expressive delays show delayed vocabulary acquisition and often show delayed development of sentence structure and articulation. Children with mixed expressive and receptive language delays show delays in oral language production and in language comprehension.

Children with LLE may be at risk for developing language and/or literacy difficulties. (See ASHA’s Practice Portal pages on Spoken Language Disorders and Written Language Disorders.) Children with LLE who have receptive and expressive delays are at greater risk for poor outcomes than children with LLE whose comprehension skills are in the normal range (Marchman & Fernald, 2013).

LLE may evolve into other disabilities, such as

In order to make a differential diagnosis, consider hearing loss and monitor the child’s global development as well as cognitive, communication, sensory, and motor skill development.

Children With LLE Versus Late Bloomers

Some researchers distinguish a subset of children with LLE as late bloomers. Late bloomers are children with LLE who catch up to their peers. At the onset, it is difficult to distinguish children with LLE from late bloomers because this distinction can be made only after the fact.

Some research suggests that there may be some early differences. For example, late bloomers used more communicative gestures than age-matched children with LLE who remained delayed (Thal & Tobias, 1992; Thal et al., 1991), thereby compensating for limited oral expressive vocabularies (Thal & Tobias, 1992). Late bloomers also were less likely to demonstrate concomitant language comprehension delays when compared with children who remain delayed (Thal et al., 1991).

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