Caseload and Workload

This page focuses on caseload and workload issues specific to school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Many of the topics discussed in this page are also relevant for professionals in a variety of other settings.

Caseload refers to the number of students with individualized education programs, individualized family service plans, and 504 plans served by school-based SLPs and other professionals through direct and/or indirect service delivery options. Caseloads can also be quantified in terms of the number of intervention sessions in a given time frame. In some school districts, caseloads may also include students who receive intervention and other services within general education, through multi-tiered systems of support, such as response to intervention, designed to help prevent future difficulties with speech, language learning, and literacy.

Workload refers to all activities required and performed by school-based SLPs. Workload includes the time spent providing face-to-face direct services to students as well as the time spent performing other activities necessary to support students’ education programs, implement best practices for school speech-language services, and ensure compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA, 2004) and other mandates, such as additional school duties (see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Documentation in Schools).

Workload and caseload are not interchangeable terms. Caseload is only one part of the picture. An SLP may need to allocate significant time for additional important and necessary workload activities whenever a student is added to a caseload for direct services. The total number of workload activities required and performed by school-based SLPs should be considered when establishing caseloads. ASHA recommends taking a workload analysis approach to setting caseloads to ensure that students receive the services they need to support their educational programs (ASHA, 2002) and make adequate progress (Endrew v. Douglas County School District RE-1, 2017).

ASHA does not recommend a specific caseload number for the following reasons:

  • There is no research to support a specific caseload size.
  • The needs of students receiving speech-language services vary greatly, and a specific caseload number does not take into account this variation. 
  • A specific caseload number could be interpreted as a “minimum” number and, if the SLP’s caseload is below that number, then the SLP could be assigned additional duties or allocated to provide services to students in other buildings.

For these reasons, ASHA encourages assignment of SLPs based on workload rather than caseload. See ASHA’s A Workload Analysis Approach for Establishing Speech-Language Caseload Standards in the School: Position Statement.

Content Disclaimer: The Practice Portal, ASHA policy documents, and guidelines contain information for use in all settings; however, members must consider all applicable local, state and federal requirements when applying the information in their specific work setting.

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