The following resolutions and motions have been considered by the Board of Directors. As action is taken, this page will be updated.
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) accept the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Plan Next Steps to Redesign Entry-Level Education for Speech-Language Pathologists.
Approved: 12–0
RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors (BOD) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) approve the increase of annual dues for certified membership by a $25 increase to $250 per year with an effective date of the 2025 dues renewal period; and further
RESOLVED, That other dues/fees classifications be adjusted as follows:
RESOLVED, That the ASHA initial application fees be adjusted as follows:
Approved: 15–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve adding two ASHA-certified assistants—one (1) audiology assistant and one (1) speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) to the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC); and further
RESOLVED, That the BOD provide approval to change the composition of the CFCC to include one (1) ASHA-certified audiology assistant and one (1) ASHA-certified SLPA as members of the CFCC; and further
RESOLVED, That the CFCC budget include funding for the two additional members; and further
RESOLVED, That these changes be effective January 1, 2025.
Approved: 12–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) shall accept the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Centennial Planning on Centennial Celebration Recommendations.
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee for Competency Frameworks (hereafter, “the Committee”), charged with (1) recommending and reviewing the materials for the consultants and subject-matter experts (SMEs) related to competency-based frameworks; (2) participating in and providing direction to the SMEs, who will draft competency frameworks, and (3) recommending the competency frameworks to the ASHA BOD; and further
RESOLVED, That the Committee comprise 10 members—including five ASHA-Certified Member audiologists and five ASHA-Certified Member speech-language pathologists (SLPs), all of whom have voting rights, to be appointed by the Committee on Committees (CoC); and further
RESOLVED, That two individuals—the Vice President for Academic Affairs in Audiology and the Vice President for Standards and Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology—serve as BOD liaisons and participate in all activities of this Committee but without a vote, and further
RESOLVED, That the Chief Executive Officer appoint the ex officio; and further
RESOLVED, That the Committee work with a consultant who specializes in assessment, licensure, certification, employment selection, survey research, data analysis and beyond to (1) develop competency frameworks for audiologists and SLPs; (2) facilitate strategic and planning meetings; (3) identify competencies—for example, review member input, conduct a literature review, establish job roles, create job descriptions, gather/coordinate resumes, and use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to identify competencies; (4) identify organizational outcomes; (5) administer a survey or surveys; (6) finalize the competency frameworks (one proposed framework for audiology and one proposed framework for speech-language pathology); and (7) educate and promote the concept of competency frameworks via communication and marketing campaigns; and further
RESOLVED, That the Committee submit the final proposed competency frameworks (one per profession) to the ASHA BOD by June 30, 2025; and further
RESOLVED, That the Committee on Committees appoint the following individuals to the Committee in the identified positions for terms to begin immediately and end June 30, 2025:
Certified Audiologists:
Certified Speech-Language Pathologists:
RESOLVED, That the Policy section of the Committee’s Standard Operating Procedures be approved.
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) accept the recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Centennial Planning; and further
RESOLVED, That the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will appoint ASHA staff to determine the feasibility and prioritization of the recommendations for implementation.
Approved: 12–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s 2024 annual report of the Association’s membership in, and affiliation with, other organizations be approved; and further
RESOLVED, That affiliation with the following organizations be approved:
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) accept the report submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee on Leadership Strategy (hereafter, “AHC LS” or “the Committee”).
Approved: 14–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the Board of Ethics (BOE)–proposed Issues in Ethics statement (IES) titled Confidentiality (2024) as revised from the 2018 version of the same name.
Approved: 12–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the Board of Ethics (BOE)–proposed Issues in Ethics statement (IES) titled Ethical Reporting (2024) as revised from the 2020 version of the same name.
Approved: 11–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the Board of Ethics (BOE)–proposed Issues in Ethics statement (IES) titled Ethical Use of Social Media (2024) as revised from the 2020 version of the same name.
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the Board of Ethics (BOE)–proposed Issues in Ethics statement (IES) titled Ethics and Delivery of Care in Public Health and Safety Emergencies (2024) as revised from the 2020 version of the same name.
Approved: 12–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the Board of Ethics (BOE)–proposed Issues in Ethics statement (IES) titled Ethics in Research and Scholarly Activity, Including Protection of Research Participants (2024) as revised from the 2020 version of the same name.
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors (BOD) renew the recognition of the following speech-language-hearing associations through December 31, 2029:
RESOLVED, That the ASHA BOD renew the recognition of the following speech-language-hearing associations through December 31, 2028:
Approved: 9–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) accept the ASHA Speech-Language Pathology Assistants Model Education Plan (MEP).
Approved: 11–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) amend the ASHA Bylaws to allow all members the opportunity to vote on all 2% bylaws amendment petitions submitted by members per Bylaws Section 15.2.; and further
RESOLVED, That Bylaws Section 15.2 be amended to (proposed new language is underlined):
15.2. By written petition by 2% of the members of the Association based on the last annual count adopted by the Board by a two-thirds vote, must first be reviewed by ASHA for proper form and function followed by a 30-day comment period for member feedback. Following completion of the 30-day comment period it shall be submitted to members for a vote and shall require for adoption a two-thirds vote of those members of the Association voting within 21 days from the mailing or electronic posting of the ballot, except that any amendment involving a matter reserved to the members under Section 3.3 shall, after the required approval of the Board of Directors, be submitted to the members as prescribed in Section 15.1.; and further
RESOLVED, That a process outlining proper form and function for submitting a 2% Bylaws Amendment Petition to ASHA be provided to members electronically upon request; and further
RESOLVED, That these amended ASHA Bylaws go into effect immediately upon the approval of a two-thirds vote of those members of the Association voting in the special member vote per Section 15.1.
Denied: 15–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the 2025 Public Policy Agenda.
Approved: 11–0
RESOLVED, That the composition of the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (hereafter, “CAA” or “the Council”) be expanded to include the Immediate Past Chair, effective in 2025.
Approved: 8–3
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) renew the recognition of the Iowa Speech-Language-Hearing Association through December 31, 2029.
Approved: 14–0
RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors (BOD) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) approve a request for financial support of the 2025 Centennial activities by authorizing up to $249,200 from the Special Opportunities Fund.
Approved: 14–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) authorize the repurpose of funds from the Special Opportunities Fund budget approved under BOD-2023-25. The original purpose of the approved funds was to cover the costs of social media ads and a social media campaign for the That’s Unheard Of (TUO) program in the amount of $80,000. The funds will now be used to develop and disseminate assets to cover the journey of addressing multicultural issues in the communication sciences and disorders (CSD) discipline. The funding will be spent over the period of 2024–2025 for the following activities:
The spending is not to exceed $80,000, which is the original funding approved for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) re-appoint the following individuals to serve on the National Association for Hearing and Speech Action Board (hereafter, “NAHSA Board”), ASHA’s consumer affiliate, in the identified positions and terms:
RESOLVED, That ASHA’s BOD appoint the following individuals to serve on NASHA in the identified positions and terms:
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (hereafter, “ASHA BOD”) approve changing the composition of the National Association for Hearing and Speech Action (NAHSA) Board of Directors (hereafter, “NAHSA Board”) to include the current Immediate Past President of ASHA’s BOD as a voting member; and further,
RESOLVED, That the term be concurrent with their term as the Immediate Past President on the ASHA BOD; and further
RESOLVED, That this change be effective January 1, 2025.
Approved: 13–0
RESOLVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors (BOD) approve that ASHA promise a contribution of up to 2% of estimated 2029 membership dues (between $0 and up to $1,121,613) to the ASHFoundation for the year 2029; and further
RESOLVED, That this contribution be conditional upon ASHA’s 2024 Operating Fund net income being at least 2% of estimated 2029 membership dues before the contribution is made.
Approved: 10–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) promise a contribution ranging from $0 to up to $300,000 in 2024 to its consumer affiliate, the National Association for Hearing and Speech Action (NAHSA), which will be used to support projects, programs, activities, and their related costs that are geared toward consumers and that feature the communications professions, communications professionals, and/or areas of interest to both. The allocation of this contribution would be in keeping with ASHA’s Strategic Pathway; and further
RESOLVED, That this contribution be conditional upon ASHA’s 2024 consolidated net income being adequate to make such a contribution.
Approved: 10–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) authorize the use of funds from the Special Opportunities Fund for implementation of the following activities:
The following requests relate directly to ASHA’s Strategic Objectives (SOs).
GRAND TOTAL: $745,856
Approved: 10–0
RESOLVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) authorize the extension of time of funds from the Special Opportunities Fund budget approved under BOD-25-2023. The original purpose of the approved funds will remain the same to cover the costs of establishing a competency framework and providing professional development offerings regarding the value of competency-based education for Strategic Objective #9 (SO9): Transform learning across the discipline. The funding will be spent over the period of 2024–2025 for the following activities:
The spending is not to exceed $61,500—which is the original funding that was approved for 2024.
Approved: 10–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors appoint ASHA member Julie A. Sullivan, MS, CCC-SLP, to serve on the Department of Health and Human Services’ Advisory Committee on Long COVID effective January 16, 2024.
Approved: 12–0
MOVED, That the following individuals be approved as co-chairs for the 2025 Convention Program Committee for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2025 Convention to be held in Washington, DC, and serve on the Scientific and Professional Education Board (SPEB) in 2024 in a consultative role:
Approved: 13–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors accept the statement, Characterizing the Roles of Voice Professionals: A Joint Statement [PDF], prepared by a joint committee of the Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA); and further
MOVED, that the 2005 ASHA Technical Report, The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist, the Teacher of Singing, and the Speaking Voice Trainer in Voice Habilitation, be rescinded.
Approved: 13–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors appoint Kristina Blaiser, PhD, CCC-SLP, and Kate Fitzpatrick, AuD, to serve on an advisory group for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Provider Education Center (PEC), effective immediately and ending December 31, 2028.
Approved: 13–0
MOVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors approve changes to the following performance measure (PM) for Strategic Objective #1: “Expand Data Available for Quality Improvement and Demonstration of Value”:
Change Target for PM #1: Number of members who participate in NOMS.
FROM: Current Target: 40,000
TO: New Target: 13,000
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors approve the removal of the following performance measures (PM) for Strategic Objective #5: “Increase Influence and Demonstrated Value of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Services”
Remove Performance Measures (PM)
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors approve changes to the following performance measures (PM) for Strategic Objective #6: Increase Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within the Association and the discipline
Change for PM#1 and PM#2:
Remove Performance Measures
Changes for PM#3:
PM#3: %/# of individuals from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds engaging with ASHA.
BASELINE data: Convention presentation submissions: 2020 – 2.3% of minority population submitted; represented 18% of submissions | Committee pool applicants: 2020 – 1.01% of minority population in pool; represented 27.4% of applicants in pool.
Target: TBD
PM#3: # of individuals from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds engaging with ASHA.
BASELINE data: Convention presentation submissions: 2020 – 645 | Committee pool applicants: 2020 – 286 | Leadership mentoring program (LMP) mentors: 2021 – 28 | S.T.E.P. mentor applicants: 2020 – 90 | Schools and Audiology Survey respondents: 2020 – 159 |ASHA Leader Contributing Authors: 2020 – 19.
Target: Maintain and/or increase the 2020 baseline.
Approved: 13–0
MOVED, That the ASHA Board of Directors approve the following change for performance measure (PM) #1 for Strategic Objective #7: Enhance international engagement.
Remove Performance Measure #1: # of international affiliates.
Baseline Date: 2014
Baseline: 413
Target: 2,000
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, that the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Directors acknowledge and accept the 2023 audit report.
Approved: 14–0–1
MOVED, That the following individuals be approved as co-chairs for the 2026 Convention Program Committee for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana (2026):
Approved: 13–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Vic S. Gladstone to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Jordan R. Green to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Brooke Hallowell to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Swathi Kiran to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Rajinder Koul to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Billy T. Ogletree to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Elizabeth D. Pena to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Luis F. Riquelme to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Shari B. Robertson to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Carol Scheffner Hammer to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the Board of Directors approve Catriona M. Steele to receive Honors of the Association for 2024.
Approved: 14–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Directors approve the revisions to the Committee of Ambassadors (CoA) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) policy section regarding vacancies on the committee.
Approved: 11–0
MOVED, That That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors approve the appointments of the following individuals to serve as trustees of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHF) for 3-year terms starting January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2027:
Approved: 12–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Directors approve conferral of the 2024 ASHA Public Service Award to the Honorable Casey Weinstein of Ohio.
Approved: 12–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) approve the creation of ASHA’s Bylaws Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) specifically establishing a process for submitting 2% bylaws amendment petitions should BOD 17-2024 be approved by the membership.
Approved: 12–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Directors approve revisions to the Government Affairs and Public Policy Board (GAPPB) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) policy section.
Approved: 11–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Associations (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) appoint the following individuals with the designated position and terms to the Political Action Committee (PAC):
Approved: 12–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors approve the proposed 2025 ASHA budget.
Approved: 15–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors (BOD) accept the 2% Bylaws Amendment Petition (BAP) to ASHA to amend Section 3.2 of the ASHA Bylaws; and further
MOVED, That if accepted, the ASHA BOD will submit a resolution to amend the Bylaws using the approved procedure.
Denied: 15–0
MOVED, That the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Directors approve the revisions to the Committee on Honors (COH) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) policy section.
Approved: 11–1