How a Need Becomes a Federal Law

The federal legislative process is not linear, but a journey of many stops, detours, and dead ends. ASHA Advocacy and ASHA members work together to identify needs, cultivate key political relationships, and advocate for those needs to be met.

Important Considerations for Advocates

  • Not all issues are federal. Many issues must be addressed at a state, local, or business level, or with various federal agencies.
  • Proposed legislation may not always be its own bill or act.
  • Bipartisan support in both chambers is essential to getting legislation passed.
  • Many factors influence how a member of Congress views legislation—and those aren't always working in your favor. The more support you can get, the better chance you have.
  • The entire process of making a need into a law can take years—even decades.

The Federal Legislative Process

Journey through the federal legislative process and how we work within it to influence change.

Download a printer-friendly version of this infographic [PDF].

How a need becomes a federal law

Questions? Email to learn more about federal advocacy.

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