Audiology at the ASHA Convention 

The 2025 ASHA Convention will take place in Washington, DC, November 20–22, 2025. Education sessions are being offered in a variety of in-person and virtual formats. Bookmark this page—we’ll keep updating information. Also, check the Convention Schedule at a Glance

Audiology Square

Be sure to refer to the Program Planner or mobile app for the locations of activities. Audiology Square will be in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-B. Meet up with colleagues and recharge with a snack—you can recharge your devices, too. The Audiology Lounge is sponsored by Starkey. ASHA Audiology Practices staff will be nearby, in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Halls A-B (booth TBD). Stop by the booth to chat with ASHA audiologists and get your questions answered, plus pick up a fun giveaway. Refer to the Schedule at a Glance for exhibit hours each day. 

Education Sessions and Program

Want to learn more about audiology topics? Check out the Program Planner to search for ASHA Convention sessions by topic area, keyword, date, presenting author, and more to create a personalized schedule. Read about the audiology and general interest topic areas.

Following are a few highlights of what's new this year; check back as we will be updating this list: 

  • Clinical Trials with Adult Populations will be the focus of this year’s Research Symposium on Hearing
  • Closing General SessionGather to recap the best moments of this year’s Centennial celebration with the Convention Co-Chairs. 
  • Get Your Employer's SupportGain support to attend the ASHA Convention from your employer with our toolkit (to be updated).

Networking Events

    "Hear, Here!" Audiology Open House

    Friday, November 21, 8:30 p.m.–11:00 p.m. 
    Location TBD

    Following the Awards Ceremony, all audiologists and audiology students attending the ASHA Convention are invited to this free reception. Enjoy light appetizers while mingling with your peers.

    ASHA thanks our sponsors. Sponsors are not responsible for the content of this convention nor does ASHA endorse their products or services. 

    ASHA Corporate Partners