Audiology Resource Library

Check out ASHA’s resources for audiologists and audiology students. Have a question? We have answers. Consult with a staff audiologist by reaching out to

ASHA Audiology Cooperative Agreements — See which organizations partner with ASHA to benefit their members, and those whom their members serve.

ASHA Audiology: Working for You — Learn what ASHA is doing to support audiologists, audiology students, and the profession of audiology.

Audiology Service Delivery — Learn about service delivery methods (including telepractice) used by audiologists.

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Students With Hearing Loss — Find out how CCSS apply to students with hearing loss; learn about supports and services for students with hearing loss and the role of the educational audiologist.

Consensus Paper from Hearing Care Associations about OTC Hearing Aids [PDF] – Read the consensus paper outlining regulatory recommendations for safety and effectiveness for OTC hearing aids.

Focused Topics in Audiology — Articles by ASHA members and other subject matter experts that appeared in ASHA’s Access Audiology publication (which has been replaced with ASHA Now); topics include hearing loss and conservation, practice management, rehabilitation, and technology.

Glossary of Health Care Business Terms — Definitions of commonly used business terms in audiology.

Insurance and Hearing Aids — ASHA offers practitioners several resources on billing and reimbursement of hearing aids in Medicaid and private insurance plans and information modules developed by the ASHA Health Care Economics Committee.

Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Interprofessional Practice (IPP) — Learn more about interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional practice (IPP) as the pathway to effective collaboration for the benefit of patients.

Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) — Learn about the mission and history of the Joint Committee of Infant Hearing and access the organization’s position statements.

Marketing and Promoting Audiology Professional Services — Get information and resources on promoting and growing your clinical practice.

Natural Environments for Infants and Toddlers Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Their Families — This page clarifies recommendations from the Joint Committee of ASHA and the Council on Education of the Deaf on selecting natural environments for families and their young deaf or hard of hearing children.

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Toolkit — ASHA’s resource collection helps audiologists inform consumers and collaborate with other providers who influence over-the-counter hearing aid decisions.

Patient Safety and the Audiologist — Like all health care workers, audiologists must be concerned with patient safety procedures and take proactive steps to prevent safety risks in the workplace.

Person-Centered Care in Audiology — Person-centered care (PCC) ensures that people are equal and active partners in the management of their hearing difficulties; find resources specifically for PCC.

Practice Considerations for Dispensing Audiologists — Use these resources to help you adapt to marketplace changes and be recognized as the professionals best suited to serving individuals with hearing loss.

Professional and Consumer Organizations — Get a list of organizations that focus on hearing conservation, occupational audiology, pediatric/educational audiology, and private practice.

Quality Improvement for Audiologists — Learn more about ongoing quality improvement activities, outcome measures, risk management, and consumer satisfaction.

Safety in the Workplace: Audiology — ASHA’s webpage offers resources to encourage discussion and collaboration with the goal of creating safer environments for audiologists.

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