Course Planner and Instructor Disclosure

The disclosure process is not just for show; it allows instructors and planners to reflect on what influences their course and enhances trust with learners.

What It Looks Like

The updated Standards for ASHA CE Providers reflect a philosophical shift in how instructional personnel (including course planners, instructors, content creators, instructional designers, etc.) conflicts of interest are identified, mitigated, and disclosed. Providers should encourage thoughtful consideration and discussion of relevant associations, activities, personal and professional perspectives, and financial relationships that may influence course content and delivery.

As noted above, only those perspectives or relationships that are relevant and may be seen as having a possible impact on the content or delivery method need be disclosed. Since these relevant perspectives or relationships may not neatly fit into financial or non-financial descriptions, Providers no longer need to separate them when disclosing to learners. Providers are still expected to provide separate disclosures for all instructors and note when there is nothing to disclose.

When It Happens

Instructor disclosures must be included on, or clearly linked from, primary promotional materials. Disclosures must also be shared at the start of the course.


How It Supports Compliance

Standard 3.2 describes the provider’s role in ensuring transparency with course planners and instructors. In addition, the revised ASHA CE Policies include specific requirements for course planner and instructor disclosure. This includes what must be disclosed to learners, how it should be formatted, and when it must be shared.

Why It Matters

Continuing education courses are shaped by the unique perspectives and backgrounds of its planners and instructors. It’s important for everyone involved to be transparent about these influences. This transparency (a) helps learners understand how the course content is crafted and delivered and (b) enhances trust with instructors and ASHA CE Providers.

However, not every perspective or relationship needs to be disclosed. It’s up to the provider to educate everyone involved about the importance of the disclosure process so that relationships and experiences that may influence content or course design are managed and disclosed.

Bottom Line

Transparency is not just for the learner; it is also important that planners and instructors consider, recognize, and address their unique perspectives as they develop and present content.

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