CEA Tutorial Section 2: Course Flow

This section explains what happens from the time you submit a course until the ASHA CEUs are posted to your participants' transcripts.


What happens when I submit a course for ASHA CEU registration and reporting?

Follow the steps below that show how the course submission process flows through ASHA CE and back to you.

Step 1: You submit the Course and Offering information with all required attachments (and payments if the course offering is a cooperative course) using the “Registration and Cancellation" section of the CE Provider Portal.

Step 2: You will receive an automated e-mail confirming receipt.

Step 3: Your provider manager reviews your registration materials to determine if ASHA CE Provider Standards and Policies have been met. If there are questions or missing items, your provider manager will e-mail you to request that you go back into the course registration system, review the requested change, and respond accordingly. Depending upon the issue, you may receive an email requesting a consultation to discuss why the policy was not met. See ASHA CE’s Consultative Approach to Supporting Providers.

Step 4: We will register the course when all required items have been received and are compliant. An e-mail informing you that the course has been registered and that the course registration confirmation letter is available for your review will be sent to you. Review this letter located in the Portal, confirm the course information, and notify us within 7 days if there are any discrepancies.

Step 5: The course is held or posted online.

Step 6:

You must submit reporting to ASHA CE within 45 days of the course offering end date. All course offerings must be reported to close out the registration. Reporting types and procedures include:

  • Offering is cancelled. If the course offering is not held, use the “Registration and Cancellation” section of the CE Provider Portal to cancel the offering within 45 days from the end date of the offering.
  • Offering is rescheduled. If the course offering is moved to another date, use the “Registration and Cancellation” section of the CE Provider Portal to cancel the offering within 45 days from the end date of the offering, then add a new offering with the new date using the “Registration and Cancellation” section of the CE Provider Portal.
  • No requests for ASHA CEUs. If the course offering was held but no attendees requested ASHA CEUs, you may submit reporting within 45 days of the end date of the offering using the “Reporting and Rosters” section of the CE Provider Portal.
    Any offering that is not reported on by 30-days after the due date will automatically be updated to Reported with Zero Participants and closed out accordingly.When a course offering is held but no attendees request ASHA CEUs the course offering is NOT considered canceled because the course offering was held.
  • Participants requesting ASHA CEUs. If participants request ASHA CEUs, you must submit reporting within 45 days of the offering end date:

Step 7: We process the reporting into our database and ASHA CEUs are posted automatically to participants' transcripts.

Step 8: A Course Roster is generated in the “Reporting and Rosters” section of the CE Provider Portal for any course reporting that has been processed by CE staff. Roster corrections are submitted through the “Reporting and Rosters” section of the CE Provider Portal, and should be used to submit any corrections related to errors made by ASHA CE staff when processing your reporting. Corrections to the roster will be accepted when the ASHA CE Administrator's records indicate that:

  • the ASHA CE Registry made an error in the amount of credit a participant should have received; or
  • the ASHA CE Registry omitted the name and credit of a participant for whom the Provider submitted to ASHA CE as requesting ASHA CEUs on the Excel reporting template.

The Reporting and Rosters section of the CE Provider Portal User Guide provides more details on how to review your rosters and request corrections.

Step 9: You are required to retain certain documents in your records. Please see the Record Retention Guidance Chart for a complete list and length of retention timeline.

What deadlines must I meet?

There are some important deadlines that must be met when you submit courses and offerings for registration and reporting. .

Submitting Courses for Registration

Courses and at least one offering, with all required attachments, must be submitted in the CE Provider Portal at least 15 days prior to the start date of the course; cooperative offerings (including cooperative payments) must be received at least 30 days prior to the start date. This calculation does not include the first day of the course. Registration materials must be submitted online through the "Registration and Cancellation" section of the CE Provider Portal.

Submitting Additional Offerings

Once a course has been registered, you can enter additional offerings within a course’s registration period*.

*Please note: All courses, no matter the format, are automatically registered for 5 years (60 months) based on the start date of the course's first offering.

Submit new offering dates and locations in the "Registration and Cancellation" section of the CE Provider Portal. Additional offerings need to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the new offering start date. If you need to pay a co-op fee, the invoice will be available on the Course Overview page in the Portal. You can also access the payment system to pay by check or credit card on this screen.

Reporting Course Offerings

Reporting must be received (through the CE Provider Portal) within 45 days of the course offering end date.

If the course offering is not held, use the “Registration and Cancellation” section of the CE Provider Portal to cancel the offering within 45 days from the end date of the offering.

When will I be able to review the course registration confirmation letter?

Ideally, you'll hear from us within a few weeks after we receive your course registration materials. Response time depends on the timeliness and completeness of your registration materials. When all ASHA standards and policies are met, the course will be registered and an e-mail will be sent alerting you that the registration is completed. Go to the “Registration and Cancellation” section of the CE Provider Portal and click on “Manage the Course.” A link to the confirmation letter will be available there. Please check the confirmation letter for accuracy and advise us of corrections within 7 days.

When will I receive the course roster?

You should expect that the course roster will be available within the “Reporting and Rosters” section of the CE Provider Portal within 7–10 business days from the reporting submission date.  Any corrections that need to be made due to errors made by the ASHA CE Registry should be filed in the “Reporting and Rosters” section of the CE Provider Portal. Detailed instructions are available in the CE Provider Portal User Guide [PDF].

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