ASHA CE Policies: Policies for Participants

ASHA CE Registry

Related Standard(s): Standard 7

  • The ASHA CE Registry contains the course records of ASHA Approved CE Providers and participants. When a participant completes a CE course and indicates that they want to earn ASHA CEUs using the method determined by the Provider, the Provider submits the participants’ information to the ASHA CE Registry.
  • Participants pay an annual fee to use the ASHA CE Registry. The annual fee covers the processing of all ASHA CEUs for courses taken through ASHA Approved CE Providers during the calendar year.
  • Providers do not collect annual ASHA CE Registry fees from participants.
  • When the ASHA CE Registry receives participant information, those participants who have not paid the annual ASHA CE Registry fee will be identified and billed for the fee. ASHA CEUs will not be placed on the participant’s transcript until the annual ASHA CE Registry fee is paid and eligibility to earn ASHA CEUs is verified.


  • Those requesting to earn ASHA CEUs must meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
    • Is an ASHA Member (includes Life Member and International Affiliates)
    • Holds the ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC)
    • Is licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice audiology or speech-language pathology
    • Is credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice audiology or speech-language pathology
    • Is credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice audiology or speech-language pathology
    • Is a Clinical Fellow supervised by someone who holds the ASHA CCC
    • Is currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program in audiology or speech-language pathology

Award for Continuing Education (ACE)

  • The Award for Continuing Education (ACE) is available to ASHA members and nonmembers who hold an ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC). Credit is applicable toward the ACE only if that credit has been accrued (a) while the participant is an ASHA member or certificate holder and (b) while they are participating in the ASHA CE Registry.
  • The ACE requirements can be fulfilled by earning 7.0 ASHA CEUs (70 contact hours) within a 36-month period by participation in courses offered through ASHA Approved CE Providers.
  • The ACE is automatically sent to those who have qualified based on their cumulative current ASHA CEUs. “Current ASHA CEUs” are defined as those earned in the preceding 36-month period. Subsequent awards are made to qualified participants as soon as they meet the ASHA CEU requirements.
  • The ACE is dated as of the date that the award is approved and is considered valid for a 36-month period. The participant’s ASHA CE Registry record indicates the “award” date and the “valid-through” date.
  • Requirements for a subsequent ACE may be completed any time after the award date.
  • The ACE is awarded at no charge.
  • A certificate that the awardee may print is included in the ACE notification communication.


  • The ASHA CE Registry can generate a transcript upon participant request. There is no fee for this service.
  • Transcripts include a cumulative list of the CE courses for which a participant earned ASHA CEUs. Transcripts also indicate the date(s) on which the participant received the ASHA ACE.
  • Transcript files are maintained indefinitely.

Participant Fees

  • Participants who wish to use the ASHA CE Registry must pay the annual fee.
  • Participants who wish to receive a formal Award for Continuing Education (ACE) certificate of recognition must pay the certificate fee. A free version is available to print from the CE Registry.
  • All fees may be subject to applicable taxes.
  • CE Registry fees can be refunded until March 31, if the participant has not accessed the benefits of the Registry for the year. Examples of these benefits include: (1) transcript or ACE issued for the year the fee was paid; (2) ASHA CEUs for the year in question have been used to meet certification maintenance requirements. After March 31, requests for refunds will be considered for extenuating circumstances.

Complaints About ASHA CE Providers

  • ASHA CE has a Complaint Adjudication Process for participants who wish to file a complaint against an ASHA CE Approved Provider.
  • Participants can file a complaint against an ASHA CE Approved Provider for an alleged violation of the Standards for ASHA CE Providers and ASHA CE Policies.
  • All complaints regarding a possible violation of the Standards for ASHA CE Providers and ASHA CE Policies are investigated.

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