Changing Your ASHA Certification Status

If you are retired from practice, deployed on active military duty, or disabled and unable to work due to medical circumstances (or serving as the primary caregiver for another with medical circumstance), you may be eligible to change your ASHA certification status to Retired or Inactive.

Certificate holders interested in changing their certification status—with the exception of active military duty who may provide services as part of their assigned role during deployment—are required to submit a signed affidavit that confirms they will not provide or supervise the provision of clinical services while their certification status is Inactive or Retired. ASHA defines clinical services as the evaluation and treatment of persons with speech-language and/or hearing impairments, whether such services are provided in elementary or secondary schools, in private practice, or in free-standing community clinics, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, nursing homes, or other facilities.

Certificate holders who qualify for Retired or Inactive status

  • continue to be bound by the Code of Ethics;
  • may be eligible for waiver of or a reduction in the annual membership dues and/or certification fees;
  • may be required to complete professional development hours (PDHs) to regain Active certification;
  • may be required to apply for reinstatement to regain Active certification.

All changes to certification status will be made public through the online ASHA Certification Verification search. Certificate holders who qualify for a change in certification status must use the following designations during their retirement or period of inactive certification:

  • CCC-A (Retired)
  • CCC-SLP (Retired)
  • CCC-A (Inactive)
  • CCC-SLP (Inactive)

In the event that your life or work circumstances have changed and you are considering resigning your certification, changing your certification status may be the solution that will allow you to keep your hard-earned CCC. The Action Center is available at 800-498-2071 to discuss your particular circumstances.

Certificate Holders Who Are Retired From Practice

Certificate holders who are retired from practice (not providing or supervising the provision of clinical services) may qualify to change their Active certification status to CCC-A (Retired) or CCC-SLP (Retired). Once approved, you are no longer required to meet certification maintenance professional development requirements.

Retired certification is available to you if you are a certificate holder in good standing, if you have retired from practice, and if you have either held certification for at least 25 total years or are 65 years of age or older. Retired certificate holders who also qualify for Life Membership are eligible for a reduction in their annual membership dues. If you hold Retired status and decide to return to practice you will be required to reinstate your certification, which may include completing professional development hours and passing the national Praxis exam. To apply for Retired Certification status, please complete and submit the CCC Retired Affidavit Form [PDF].

Certificate Holders with Medical Circumstances

Certificate holders who have a medical circumstance, or who are primary care givers for someone who has a medical circumstance that prevents the certificate holder from working in the professions may qualify to change their Active certification status to Inactive. If approved, you will not be required to meet the certification maintenance standard during the time of your Inactive status. To qualify for Inactive status, you must (a) provide evidence documenting your inability to work in the professions, such as a letter from a doctor, a Social Security Administration determination letter, or the Medical Documentation form and (b) sign an affidavit confirming that you are not providing or supervising the provision of clinical services. If you are approved for Inactive status you may also be eligible to have your annual dues and certification fees waived during the time of Inactive status if you have been a Certified Member for at least 5 years. Please complete and submit the CCC Medical Circumstances Inactive Affidavit Form [PDF] to apply for Inactive status. 

Certificate Holders Who Are Deployed On Active Military Duty

Certificate holders deployed on active military duty can qualify to change their Active certification status to CCC-A (Inactive) or CCC-SLP (Inactive). Once approved, you will not be required to meet certification maintenance standards, your annual dues and certification fees will be waived during your time of deployment, and you will be assigned a new 3-year maintenance interval that will begin January 1 of the year following your return. You may, however, continue to provide clinical services or supervise the provision of clinical services, if it is part of your assigned role during deployment. If your active duty extends beyond four years, you must submit a new Inactive affidavit along with a copy of your new orders; if you don't submit a new Inactive affidavit or a Return to Active Certification form after four years, (1) your certification will be moved to Active status and you will be assigned a new 3-year maintenance interval and (2) you will be required to begin paying annual dues/fees. If you believe this exemption applies to you, please complete and submit the CCC Inactive (Active Military Duty) Affidavit Form [PDF] and include a copy of your military orders.

Transitioning from Inactive to Active Certification Status

Inactive certification status cannot be held for more than 4 years. If you hold the CCC-A (Inactive) or CCC-SLP (Inactive) status and wish to return to clinical practice, you may be able to regain Active certification status by following the policy below.

Individuals who have held CCC-A or CCC-SLP (Inactive) status for 4 years or less and who are seeking to regain CCC-A or CCC-SLP (Active) status must:

Individuals who have held the CCC-A or CCC-SLP (Inactive) status for more than 4 years will automatically have their certification retired and must apply for reinstatement of the CCC to regain Active Certification.


Please contact ASHA at 800-498-2071 and ask to be connected to a certification manager.

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