Volunteer Opportunity: Reviewers Needed for MSLP Student Presentations at Convention

November 1, 2024

Type of Opportunity: Face-to-face

Sign-Up Expiration Date: 11/15/2024

Interest Area: Leadership and Mentoring Student Leaders

Contact Person (Email): Terri Smith (tsmith@asha.org)

Time Commitment: Less than 1 month

Travel: Travel is required

Description of Opportunity: The Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP) provides leadership-focused educational activities at the Convention designed to build and enhance the leadership skills of students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds. MSLP participants will be working to (a) increase their understanding of how the Association works and (b) see firsthand how leadership occurs within our professions. As a part of their Convention experience, the students participate in a Leadership Simulation Challenge in which group presentations are given on a number of relevant issues that have significant potential impact on our discipline—now and in the future. Each member of a team contributes to the 20-minute presentation to provide you with an overview of their issue, present any related data that they have uncovered, and share their insights and recommendations for addressing the issue. 

Reviewers are needed to provide students with feedback on their presentations by attending the presentations in person and, afterwards, completing a simple, brief rating form for each presentation.

The MSLP Leadership Simulation will occur in Hyatt Regency Room 601, Saturday, December 7, from either 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., PT (Session A) or 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, PT (Session B). Thus, all reviewers must be planning to attend the Convention in person; their volunteer commitment will involve reviewing approximately three teams’ presentations— each team consisting of 6-7 students.

To apply, complete this form, and select either Session A or Session B.

Experience Required: Volunteer leadership experience at the local, state, or national level; experience providing constructive feedback to students; and mentoring student leaders or early-career professionals

Task Deadline: 11/15/2024

Level of Effort: Easy

Number of Volunteers Needed: 20

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