Zero Participant Reporting

June 12, 2024

Have you ever found it difficult for your organization to report on course offerings that had zero learners/participants requesting ASHA CEUs? If so, you’re not alone—and we have a solution.

As of April 30, 2024, you no longer need to report on offerings where no participants requested to earn ASHA CEUs.

Here are the important details to know regarding this change:

  • ASHA CE will continue to send a list of all course offerings that are not reported on by the offering due date. If any of the course offerings listed did have participants, please submit the reporting immediately—and schedule a consultation with your Accounts Manager.
  • Any course offering that is not reported on at least 30 days after the offering due date will automatically be updated as a zero-participation reporting.
  • If the course offering was canceled and not held, be sure to continue updating that course offering in the portal.
  • This is an optional change: If you and your organization find that it makes more sense to close out all offerings—including the ones where zero learners/participants requested ASHA CEUs—then please continue doing so.

As always, please reach out to your Accounts Manager with any questions. communications on how and when ASHA CE will implement the next round of changes.

ASHA Corporate Partners