January 10, 2025
The 2025 Public Policy Agenda (PPA) identifies ASHA’s advocacy priorities for the year. Developed by the Government Affairs and Public Policy Board—a volunteer group of ASHA members—the PPA is based on member input and designed to address the challenges that members have identified as critical to their ability to do their jobs efficiently and effectively.
ASHA has been—and is actively—pursuing many ongoing initiatives that take time. These efforts rely on partnership with, and grassroots efforts by, members. We appreciate the input provided by over 2,400 ASHA members to help guide the development of the 2025 PPA, and we look forward to your active engagement and advocacy in support of these priorities.
Since the 119th Congress just started, we are currently advocating for Congressional champions to (re)introduce important pieces of legislation. Take action now by sending a prewritten email to your federal elected officials introducing yourself and raising awareness of the great work you do and the important services you provide to the community! And keep an eye on ASHA’s Take Action page, which will be updated with many more advocacy opportunities as they arise.
Advocacy win: On January 5, President Biden signed into law the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82/S. 597), which will repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision [PDF] that reduces Social Security benefits of individuals who work in certain public sector jobs or who receive pensions based on federal, state, or local government employment. The new law may help ASHA members—1,272 of whom sent letters to Congress in support of the bill—who work in schools and/or who are government employees. Learn more about what the law may mean for you.
The President signed into law a short-term federal government spending bill to prevent a government shutdown. The bill includes two provisions impacting audiologists and SLPs:
While an initial package included a more robust solution to address ASHA's advocacy priorities, it did not have the support of the incoming Administration and was scrapped. ASHA advocates are working hard advocating for Congress to reintroduce legislation that would ensure permanent ability to provide telehealth services and mitigate Medicare Part B cuts. Keep an eye out for opportunities to amplify our message! You can find ASHA's updated Medicare resources here.
U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. has signed legislation to create the Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; establish qualifications for audiologists, SLPs, audiology assistants, and speech-language pathologists assistants; and adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC). In doing so, USVI becomes the 35th jurisdiction, and the first U.S. territory, to enter the ASLP-IC. The ASLP-IC is projected to operationalize later this year. If your state is not a member of the interstate compact yet, you can join us in advocacy by writing to your elected officials asking for their support.
Interested in seeing other developments in ASHA Advocacy? Visit our website.
ASHA’s federal and political affairs team fanned out across Capitol Hill last week as the 119th Congress convened and new members were sworn in. Our congressional lobbyists reconnected with congressional champions of policy priorities important to audiologists and SLPs and met new members whose support will be crucial in the coming year. You can make and reaffirm connections too by asking the 119th Congress to support audiology and speech-language pathology.