March 5, 2025
During the past 3 months, ASHA CE delivered live webinars to help ASHA CE Providers comply with the updated Standards for ASHA CE Providers and ASHA CE Policies. We are thrilled by the level of your engagement with the six-part webinar series.
ASHA CE would like to thank all individuals who presented alongside ASHA CE Staff, those who asked questions during the webinars and in follow-up to their CE Provider Management team, and Providers who utilized the Provider Readiness Tool [PDF] in advance of the changes taking effect July 1, 2025.
March 7th marks the last of ASHA CE’s scheduled Intersections Live! webinars. Join ASHA CE Staff and your fellow Provider peers at 12:00 p.m., EST, for ASHA CE “Office Hours”—an opportunity to ask any lingering questions regarding the implementation of the new Standards.
For those unable to attend the live webinars, you can access the recordings of each session—and the resources shared within it—on the CE Providers Community site. To view a webinar, take the following steps: