All IPE/IPP Case Studies

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  • IPP Team Works With 10-Year-Old Girl to Improve Communication and Social Interaction

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    Patty is a 10-year-old student with a seizure disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), receptive and expressive language impairment, and below-average cognitive functioning. A team of professionals at Patty’s school created a plan to help Patty improve her daily communication and social interaction with speech-language therapy telepractice services and a speech-generating device (SGD). Patty now uses the SGD to participate more fully in the classroom and continues work on her communication at home.

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  • Collaboration Helps Clinical Team Diagnose Genetic Disorder

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    An interprofessional practice (IPP) team at a cleft lip and palate clinic developed a treatment plan for a 4-year-old girl with hypernasal speech and dysmorphic features. By working across specialties, the team diagnosed the girl with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) and executed a treatment plan that included speech-language therapy and surgery to create a pharyngeal flap.

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  • Team of Education Professionals Develop Plan for Nonverbal Student

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    A team of education professionals collaborated across specialties to help a 7½-year-old boy with cerebral palsy improve his communication skills. By bringing in expertise from a local university’s speech and hearing center, the team was able to understand the student’s educational needs and develop an individualized education program (IEP) to address them. After 6 months of working with the team members, the boy could respond with 80% accuracy to familiar questions using his new Dynavox.

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