This list of resources has been compiled for speech-language pathologists who work in health care settings.
Admission and Discharge Criteria: Consider this guidance when making decisions about beginning or concluding services.
Aerosol-Generating Procedures: Use this information to make an informed decision about personal protective equipment needed when engaging in procedures that may produce tiny particles in the air.
Frequently Asked Questions: Review responses to common questions from SLPs working in health care.
Inservice Tools: Teach others about your role by sharing presentations for educating patients, families, caregivers, and facility staff.
Multiskilling: Unsure if a care task is within your scope of practice? Check out this ASHA Leader article for guidance about performing basic care tasks, with specific examples from a home health setting.
Productivity: Learn more about productivity standards, and advocate for quality patient care and clinician well-being.
Referral Guidelines: Use these guidelines to facilitate more timely and appropriate referrals for SLP services.
Supervision Hub: Find information and resources on clinical supervision for graduate students, Clinical Fellows, and speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs) all in one location.
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