Salary Reports and Data for Speech Language Pathologists in Schools

Salary Data for Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools
ASHA fields two major surveys each year, alternating among four target populations: audiologists, school-based speech-language pathologists, health care-based speech-language pathologists, and a rotating population. The surveys collect and provide data (e.g. salary data) on specific segments of the Association membership. Survey results are presented in reports by profession and topic.

U.S. News and World Report: Best Jobs of 2017: Speech Language Pathologist
Job prospects look bright for speech-language pathologists. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that 28,900 jobs will open up before 2024. Since instances of speech and language impairments increase with age, the BLS predicts that the aging baby boomer generation will spur this job growth. The BLS also cites the increased awareness of speech and language disorders in children as another reason for this job boom.

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