Audiology/Hearing Science Research Travel Award (ARTA)

Are you interested in learning about a research career, connecting with peers and leaders, and exploring audiology/hearing science research, all while attending the ASHA Convention? Apply for the ARTA, which opens March 15!

Past awardees have said

  • "My favorite part of the ARTA program was getting the chance to meet and talk to other PhD students who share my interests in audiology. Building connections with others who are close to my stage in their programs will be mutually beneficial in the future, and it's helpful to hear that other students are having similar experiences in their own programs."
  • "I really enjoyed getting to spend time with ASHA leaders."
  • "One of the best things about the ARTA was the knowledge gained about ASHA resources and all of the events at which we were able to network with peers and current professionals."
  • "I found it very helpful to hear about the career paths of other professionals, especially how some were able to gain experience in both clinical and research settings."


ASHA sponsors the Audiology/Hearing Science Research Travel Award (ARTA) for audiology students and postdoctoral fellows interested in expanding their knowledge of research in audiology and/or hearing by attending the ASHA Convention in November 2025. Experience the excitement of learning and sharing with others in attendance!

ARTA is part of ASHA's Academic and Research Mentoring (ARM) Network. The ARM Network offers programs for those who are considering, launching, and advancing academic-research careers in communication sciences and disorders (CSD). ASHA measures the impact of these programs by collecting participant outcomes data.


  • Learn about the latest research in audiology
  • Make connections with leaders in the profession
  • Meet and network with peers
  • Learn about mechanisms and strategies to further your research interests
  • Experience the excitement of the ASHA Convention


An individual is eligible to apply if they are enrolled in one of the following by the date of the annual Convention:

  • a clinical doctoral degree program (e.g., AuD) accredited or in candidacy by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA)
  • a combined clinical doctoral/research doctoral degree program (e.g., AuD/PhD) in audiology or hearing science where the clinical doctoral degree program is accredited or in candidacy by the CAA
  • a research doctoral degree program (e.g., PhD) focusing on audiology, tinnitus, balance, or hearing science
  • a postdoctoral fellowship program focused on audiology, tinnitus, balance, or hearing science

If you have previously been awarded the ARTA, you must be in a different education stage than you were during your past participation (e.g., you were originally in an AuD program and are now in a PhD program). When selecting participants, ASHA will give preference to those who have not previously participated. 

Additionally, individuals may only apply to one of the following programs per year:

View current and former ARTA Award recipients.

Award and Responsibilities

Awardees must attend the in-person ASHA Convention in Washington, D.C. November 20–22, 2025. Each awardee will receive complimentary registration for the ASHA Convention and a stipend of $750 to offset the cost of travel. 

Awardees should plan to attend the entirety of the ASHA Convention and must attend several key, pre-selected events and sessions, which will occur before and during the Convention. Awardee required events might include the following:

  • Pre-Convention Virtual Events:
    • ARTA Kickoff event (date/time TBD)
    • Networking event for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows (date/time TBD)
    • Informal discussion/networking opportunity about pursuing a PhD for clinical students (date/time TBD)
  • Convention Sessions and Events:
    • Researcher-Academic Town Meeting (Wednesday evening event, combined degree students, PhD students, and postdocs only)
    • ARTA Breakfast (Thursday morning)
    • Research Roundtables (Friday lunch time) or hearing-related SIG event (TBD)
    • Research Symposium on Hearing, including coffee break networking with speakers (Friday afternoon)

Other Convention opportunities of interest might include the following:

  • First Timers' Welcome
  • Opening Session
  • Awards Ceremony
  • “Hear, Here!" Audiology Open House
  • NIDCD-funded Research Symposium

How to Apply

Applicants must complete an online application form, upload several PDF documents, and submit the entire application package by May 1. See the application instructions for details on required documents.

If you are a student with an interest in clinical service provision, please contact for information regarding the Audiology Students at the ASHA Convention program.

Questions? E-mail

Interested in serving as a reviewer? At a minimum, reviewers must hold a PhD in audiology, hearing science, or  related discipline and have a faculty appointment. Additional requirements may apply. Contact

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