S.T.E.P. 2022 Connect! Learn! Empower! Speaker Series

Read about the 2023 and 2024 Connect! Learn! Empower! seminar series.

Networking: Circles of Support 

Presenter: Jamila Harley, MEd, CCC-SLP, Director, Career Management Services, ASHA

Hear about the resources that the ASHA Career Portal has to offer from Jamila Harley, MEd, CCC-SLP, Director of Career Management Services, ASHA. Get an in-depth look at how using ASHA resources to build your network can help you to expand your community circles of support. Learn how getting involved in ASHA and other organizations can lead to amazing networking opportunities.

Handling Difficult Conversations 


  • Ivan Campos, MS, CCC-SLP
  • Kennedy K. Guess, CF, CCC-SLP
  • Nidhi Mahendra, PhD, CCC-SLP

Moderator: Megan-Brette Hamilton, PhD, CCC-SLP, CSO, Multicultural Affairs, ASHA

In a recent survey conducted by ASHA’s Multicultural Issues Board, 65% of CSD students experienced microaggressions in the academic setting. Microaggressions are brief, everyday, indirect, subtle, or unintentional insults or acts of discrimination. Students from underrepresented populations are more likely to experience microaggressions. Microaggressions take their toll over time and negatively contribute to a student’s academic experience. Most microaggressors are unaware that they are committing microaggressions. Learn strategies and techniques for how to have difficult conversations about microaggressions.

Create Your Social Brand 

Presenter: Keisha Jones, MPS, Digital Strategist, ASHA

Social media plays such a significant part in many of our lives, and it can serve many roles—like advertising a business, staying in touch with friends and family, or just having fun. Whatever purpose you’re using social media for, you want to create a persona that reflects who you are. During this session, get practical tips on how to build your social media brand and how branding may be different on different platforms. Also gain tips on which platform may be best for your social media needs and how to use social media wisely and strategically.

Don’t Miss Your Shot: Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

Presenter: Kia N. Johnson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Associate Director, Arthur M. Blank Center for Stuttering Education and Research – Atlanta Satellite Office

You never know when you’ll unexpectedly find yourself in the presence of someone who holds an amazing—perhaps once-in-a-lifetime—opportunity for you. This may be your “one shot” to tell this person about yourself! Being prepared with a solid elevator pitch may be the difference between capturing an opportunity or letting it slip away.

Get started by developing your elevator pitch—then, when that shot happens, you’ll be ready for it!

What Does Your Resume Say About You? 


  • Elle Dane, University Program Manager, AMN Healthcare/MedTravelers
  • Maggie Keys, MS, CCC-SLP, Clinical Manager, Clinical and Education Solutions, AMN Healthcare/MedTravelers

When you’re looking for a job, your resume is the tool that gets you the interview. In today’s competitive job market, you want to stand out among your peers to get the job you want. Get resume-writing strategies from experts who are leaders in employing CSD professionals. Also gain valuable information on how to communicate your strengths and the value that you bring to an organization. Attend this session to gain the competitive edge.

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